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Make Your Heart Sing!

Heike's Happy Vibes Blog


I am writing this on the 5th of November, a week after our lovely event at the Ancient Technology Centre, a wonderful venue for Earth Kin events. Ellie Brooks put on another fabulous evening of singing with Lu Davis, listening to Claire Hillier and Ellie, and chanting with Shona Dunn and myself with all my drums, shakers, and chimes.

This time we had food and drink – warm or cold – 2 big fires, one in the main roundhouse and another by the kitchen. All very welcome as it was a stormy night, and it gets muddy, and it is very dark … BUT it was a full house, and we had a wonderful time.

We were over 200 peeps, and it never fails to delight me how the harmony appears when people sing together and make music. Most of us love listening to music, we know how uplifting (or saddening) music can be – the word 'frequency' no longer raises eyebrows (at least not in my world).

We honoured our ancestors and the 4 directions as we always do at these events, and it always uplifts to do this in a large group. The word is out that group meditations with a positive intention work wonders and on an evening like last week, there is a palpable joy in the air. I share some photos and a few clips on Youtube which we recorded.

Here are the videos on Youtube.

A December event is planned, and details will follow – we are at the beginning of November but the time to the end of 2023 will fly by. Time seems to run faster; I know they used to say 'its age' which makes one say that, but I hear it from the young generation too. We are in the 'shift' and I am glad I spelled that right

Event like this last Samhain and others I was fortunate enough to attend are doing a lot to lift the general vibe - with so much fear mongering in the mainstream media, it is good to have an alternative perspective. I am a fan of Dolores Cannon and I was fortunate to attend one of her events here in Bournemouth before she passed – amazing teachings and I share her video about the Three Waves of Volunteers which impressed me much.

I believe it only resonates with some, but it is worth a listen if you feel many things lack explanation.

The idea of being a Volunteer appealed to me then and ever more so now in 2023. Much of the last 3 years have been spent with research for me – my last circle on the 16th of March 2020 created more time for me than I would have ever given myself to study (I know we always learn but I sat down and listened to many perspectives and feel most had more time than ever before and many used this time productively).

With no ... what was it called again … ' furlough'? ... I had never heard that word, nor did I get any because I have been self-employed for a very long time. I am sure most have had their journey over the last 3 years and I feel the light is clearly emerging. They say it is darkest before the dawn, I hope this is true as many are tired and some no longer want to be here.

We all have to delve here for ourselves but there is much information available (not the mainstream, we know the revolution will not be televised... alas many have recorded themselves and others to show a different way). I can see that I made mistakes, but challenge can be an opportunity for growth, and I am glad that I can see it that way. So, I do my bit and share some uplifting videos here and use my Facebook to share others who have been using critical thinking to mistakes… these times.

According to Dolores, we all decided to be here and I choose to believe her I have been a member of for the last 10 months and apart from studying the law and legal (or better the difference between these 2), I am enjoying the Saturday scriptures where we study and interpret the Torah - a fascinating journey for someone like me, who was never religious as such. I am spirit in an earth suit, and I try and look after that as best as I know how; there is always new knowledge about this coming out and I feel it is up to us to make sure our new world is full of critical thinkers and discerning way showers.

Thank you for reading to the end. It is a beautiful 5th of November and with any luck we shall have a bonfire and a sing song around this tonight! Blessings and enjoy the last 2 months of 2023.



Updated: Oct 10, 2023

22 September 2023

This gathering was in connection with which is Rory Duff's wonderful creation. We had three meditations lasting 15 mins each, with lovely Jolene, channeling light codes and light language of replenishment, restoration and expansion, given through her for our celebration, and Nikoleta Zolner who was channeling higher love and consciousness to help us during the ascension process.

Myself and Shona Dunn did the middle 15 minutes where we walked the crowd, played drums, sang and sent healing vibes to the land with my Gong and Bowls.

A wonderful event and Knowlton Henge will remain a focus in the local area for healing the lines.

The Sacred Network is a platform designed to bring spiritually minded people together for the good of humanity, the living planet, and all sentient beings. And share knowledge of where local powerful energetic sacred sites can be found, to support the growth of local spiritual interfaith groups with the help of these sites and to help these local groups become interdependently connected so that relevant and timely information can be shared between them.

Adrien Lee and Sally Sherin continue this process and I am happy to be a part of this ever growing group.

Below is a collection of photos from my Drum and Bowls meditation, photographed by Yani Halo from Yani Halo Spiritual Photography.

A gallery with full collection of photos from Knowlton Henge Autumn Equinox Meditations event can be found on

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