I wrote a Newsletter recently with that title because, we are entering a more favourite time of mine... daffodils and snowdrops and slightly longer days. I walk a little dog for an elderly lady and despite today’s wind, there is an air of spring, so I thought I write a little since I have not done a blog since Autumn. We are now coming to the end of winter and the buds are budding!
We had Samhain in the Ancient Technology centre after the summer Festivals – I always do little clips when I can.
There's a Huntress:
and honouring the ancestors:
The Air the Earth the Fire the Water – a lovely singing by all:
21st December we had the Winter Solstice event, it was fabulous! We sang together, such lovely words:
Freezone Festival is booked – check for tickets – end of May weekend! https://freezonefestival.co.uk/tickets/
I shall be holding a Music Medicine circle on Thursday the 20th of February 6.30 – 8pm at a nice venue which unfortunately will close in March, and I thought I shall invite for one circle there at this nice space. It is around the corner from Pokesdown station. Cost £ 7, including a tea or coffee. The address is:
2A Roberts Road, Boscombe
Apart from that, I have had a lovely Christmas, spent time with my lovely new Grandson Carter and making the most of life. I am writing a little German story book for him as he needs to understand the lingo - 'Wir Sind Fische' - a story about a family of fish, with pictures.
I am glad January is now gone and looking forward to Spring! Hope to see some of you on the 20th of February!
Heike – or Highkey whenever possible!